heard はたらくを楽しもう

heard はたらくを楽しもう



Last week, I wrote a newspaper article about all the Japanese words I find difficult to pronounce- Ultraman, Portuguese, and baby food. Of course, I struggle with ronyakunannyo (men and women of all ages) too. But yesterday, I discovered the word that befuddles me more than them all—seakagokegumo, or the Red-back spider. 

The first time I heard this word, I was convinced it 
had to be Japanese English. I mean, geez! How long can a word get?? We foreigners have trouble reading super long katakana words, and I, especially, purposely avoid songs chock full of katakana at karaoke. 
Anyway, back to the seakagokegumo. I finally was able to grasp the meaning of the word. A spider with a red back. But what about the gakegumo part? My linguistic questions are endless. 
The gakegumo marriage is obviously not a happy one. For in it, the female ends up eating the males, making herself a widow—which is the meaning of the word gake. 
数年間前に、1番長い日本語の動詞はなんやろう?と思った。私は考えたのは、行きたくなくなってしまった. どう?バリ長かろう?
A couple years ago, I racked my brain trying to think of the longest Japanese verb that I could. The answer was ikitakunakunatteshimatta, or “unfortunately, it became that I didn’t want to go anymore.”  Weird English, but a great Japanese word. 
Today I tried to think of the Japanese sentence whose pronunciation gave me the most trouble. 
Make and female Portuguese red-backed spiders  of all ages fed Ultraman baby food. Yikes. I think I drank too much wine. 
Tomorrow, I think I’ll get up early and practice saying seakagokegumo till I get it down!




TV: I heard you had spent the year conditioning and working on your fitness. Can you talk about that?


Naomi: I started last year, during the off-season, I was on a really strict diet. and when I went to Australia I felt really fit, so that all carried on to here. I feel like I’m moving better than ever.


TV: What do you eat when you are training?


Naomi: It’s going to sound kind of extreme, but during the off-season, I was eating boiled foods. I would boil chicken and broccoli, and no carbs.


TV: I heard you were a big ice cream fan. Is that true?


Naomi: Only green tea ice cream. I don’t eat it when I’m training, but if I win a tournament, I would want to. But I still haven’t.


TV: You’re about to fly to Tokyo. Can you tell us what you’re excited about?


Naomi: Lots of good rice dishes. I’m not really allowed to eat carbs leading up to a tournament, so I’m a little sad about that, but, hopefully, I’ll have at least one good meal.




「減量がなぜ必要なのか。それはズバリ、減量がスピードとスタミナを増強させるからです。たとえば、体の脂肪は自分の意思で動かす事ができないので、筋肉にとっては抵抗になります。身体に脂肪がついた状態とは、筋肉の上にシャツを着ているような状態と考えてみてください。シャツを何枚も重ね着した状態よりも、シャツ一枚の方が速いパンチを打てますし、その一枚のシャツさえ脱ぎ捨てた方が、より速くキレのあるパンチが打てると思いませんか?さらに、脂肪が少ないということは、パンチだけでなく、フットワークも含めた体全体の動きのスピードを向上させます」(※ より抜粋) 






This week, classes will finish up at my university.  My students worked hard this semester, so instead of what we usually do, I played an English word game with them. The game we played is called Scrabble. In Scrabble, you make words from letter tiles, and the team who makes the words with the highest point vlue, wins. 
This game is famous all over America. My mom is a Scrabble champion, and it is seriously all but impossible to beat her. She is constantly making up words that I have never heard of. Genius. 
Most of my students either don’t like English, or they are not very good at it. But still, they come to class faithfully and do their homework. 
このゲームをしたおかげで、すごくショッキングなことがあった。いつも英語で苦しんでいると思っていた学生は、バリバリ楽しんでいた。「先生、この単語はなん?」 「ここに単語を作ったらいいと?」 「この単語の綴りは合ってる?」もしかしたら、私は初めて、この学生の声を聞いたかも知れないと思った。バリ適当なルールでゲームをした (お母さんに言わんで!)けど、初めて英語を楽しんでいる学生の姿を見たら、癒された。
Something shocking happened while we were playing this game. My students, who had always seemed to be suffering during English class, came alive! “Hey Anne! Is this a word?” “Can I make this word?” “Did I spell this right?” I think there were a couple guys I heard speak for the first time. Lol. We threw the rule book out the window (don’t tell my mom!) but it was so awesome to see my students really enjoying English for the first time. 
I realized I have to work harder to make my classes a little more fun. That is not an easy task for drill-based classes like TOEIC and grammar, but I can do anything I set my mind to. 
My goal as a teacher is to get my students liking English. If I can do that, their English will improve. And class will be more fun. 
With my gleeful, Scrabble-playing students in mind, I will work my tail off to do just that next academic year!

heard 関連ツイート

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I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
'This could be heaven or this… https://t.co/YXP0dFAtZ9

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